Our History
A Northend Presence
If you live in or have lived in the north end of Lima, you know that St. Mark’s was the first Protestant church built here.
It did change names a couple of times and also changed locations.

Link for Pastor’s Messages – Click on link below.
1110 N Metcalf
Lima OH 45801
Service Times
Sunday School Begins at 9:00 AM
Worship Begins at 10:15 AM
Worship services at St. Mark’s are primarily Traditional.
The core of our music consists of well-known hymns, sprinkled with contemporary praise and worship songs.
Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month and on other occasions throughout the year.
Prayer is fundamental to our worship at St. Mark’s. Worship always includes prayer concerns from the congregation followed by meditation and silent prayer. The Pastor then lifts all of your joys and concerns up to the Lord, and we conclude by praying the Lord’s Prayer.
Pastor Ted practices Biblically-based teaching and believes the Bible should be the heart of his messages.